At one point, while TB is putting items away, Jesse sneaks up to a sky island and aggros a Wyvern so it will kill TB. In Episode 34, TB and Jesse's death counts have been equal, until one point.Alternative names were LoLboat One, and Frankenboat Joe.From Episode 30: " Fujimora Yachtsu ", a pun so incredibly lame it left TotalBiscuit in physical pain.It was also this episode that the Great Space Butterfly first came into being.What makes this even funnier is that TB is laughing so hard that he-in his words here-can't breathe properly.

Episode 10 of Terraria: The Next World Generation has Jesse devolving into Angrish after TB shows that the fruits of their labor in the jungle (where he was constantly dying) happened to be 2 statues that don't do anything.